Dice Roller
Character Sheets

Rules Reference

Creating a character
Roll for starting equipment
Roll for weapons and armor
Roll for your ability scores
Roll for your HP
Name your character
2D6 x 10 silver
Waterskin & 1D4 days of rations
In addition to
1–2: nothing
3-4: backpack for 7 normal-sized items
4-6: sack for 10 normal-sized items
1: rope 30 feet
2: Presence + 4 torches
3: lantern with oil for Presence + 6 hours
4: magnesium strip
5: random unclean scroll
6: sharp needle
7: medicine chest Presence + 4 uses (stops bleeding/infection and heals D6 HP)
8: metal file and lockpicks
9: bear trap (Presence DR14 to spot, D8 damage)
10: bomb (sealed bottle, d10 damage)
11: a bottle of red poison d4 doses (Toughness DR12 or D10 damage)
12: silver crucifix
1: 1 life elixir d4 doses (heals d6 hp and removes infection)
2: random sacred scroll
3: small but vicious dog (d6+2 hp, bite d4, only obeys you)
4: d4 monkeys that ignore but love you (D4+2 HP, punch/bite D4)
5: exquisite perfume worth 25s
6: toolbox 10 nails, tongs, hammer, small saw and drill
7: heavy chain 15 feet
8: grappling hook
9: shield (-1 hp damage or have the shield break to ignore one attack)
10: crowbar (d4 damage)
11: lard (may function as 5 meals in a pinch)
12: tent
Weapons D10 (D6 if you begin with a scroll)
Unarmed d2 damage
1: Femur d4
2: Staff d4
3: Shortsword d4
4: Knife d4
5: Warhammer d6
6: Sword d6
7: Bow d6, with Presence +10 arrows
8: Flail d8
9: Crossbow d8, with Presence + 10 bolts
10: Zweihänder d10
Armor D4 (D2 if you begin with a scroll)
1: no armor (tier 0)
2: light (fur, padded cloth, leather etc, −d2 damage, tier 1) 20s
3: medium armor (scale, mail etc, −d4 damage, tier 2) 100s
4: Heavy armor (splint, plate etc, −d6 damage, tier 3) 200s
Special notes:
tier 2 and 3: Defense DR + 2
tier 2: Agility checks DR + 2
tier 3: Agility checks DR + 4 (except Defense)
shield -1 hp damage or have the shield break to ignore one attack
Roll 4D6 dropping the lowest die to determine each ability score.
Once determined you only need to know the modifier value.
1–4: –3
5–6: –2
7–8: –1
9–12: ±0
13–14: +1
15–16: +2
17–20: +3
Hit Points
Begin with Toughness + D8 (Minimum 1 HP)
Zero HP: broken Negative HP: dead
Broken (d4)
1: Fall unconscious for d4 rounds, awaken with d4 hp.
2: Roll a d6: 1-5 = Broken or severed limb. 6 = Lost eye.
Can’t act for d4 rounds then become active with d4 hp.
3: Hemorrhage: death in d2 hours unless treated. All tests are DR16 the first hour. DR18 the last hour.
4: Dead.
Omens - think of this like inspiration. For the one shot everyone will start with 2 Omens and they won't be replensished by resting
Omens can be used to gain one of the below affects
† deal maximum damage with an attack
† reroll a dice roll (yours or someone else’s)
† lower damage dealt to you by d6
† neutralize a Crit or Fumble
† lower one test’s dr by -4